Friday, April 27, 2012

Announcing the launch of the nirankari international samagam website

We have great pleasure in announcing the launch of the Nirankari International Samagam (NIS) website providing valuable information and guidance for the thousands who have already expressed interest in wishing to attend the first ever Nirankari International Samagam to be held outside India. The website is cross linked from left navigation panel of .
The desire to participate in this milestone in the history of this mission is overwhelming and the arrangements for this momentous occasion are already taking shape.
The various pages of this NIS website will assist travellers to the UK in the arrangements as they take shape from the Pre-Samagam festivities in early August through to the spectacular finale – the Samagam on 11 & 12 August 2012.
The On-Line donation facility has been particularly appreciated by hundreds of donors who have already utilised the system for credit and debit card payments into a fund for the unique festivals to take place throughout all of August 2012. Please offer your donations generously and announce and encourage this facility in your local congregations.
All are invited to view this website, make their plans to attend and email any queries they may have via the special email addresses in the contact page. The Sant Nirankari Mission UK look forward to welcoming you all to these prestigious events and become part of Nirankari History in the making.
Bhupinder Anand Member SNM UK Executive In-Charge Internet, Media and Publications