Saint says with love dhannirankarji
Saint today i want to share a lill story with you. Some days ago Rev Saint Govi ji has shared a beautiful story with me, it was like ::: Once upon a time there was a man, he was scientist. Every night he light up one candle and put it on the pillar of main door, so any one who cross his house can see the road and safely cross that street. But, every day one mischievous boy came and broke that candle. Scientist took another candle, light it up and put at same place. This happen every night he light up a candle and that boy came and broke that. But at one day that boy asked to scientist why do you do that? He said its very dark surrounding my house, and there is higher possibility that one can fell down. So I do not want any one to fell down at least nearer to my home and they can safely cross this street. That boy liked his idea and thoughts , he asked for his forgiveness, said sorry to him. From the next day he also light up a candle and put it nearer to main door, and spread scientist’s thought. In this way whole city come to know about thought and started to do same thing. And in this way the tube light is invented. This is the idea behind the invention of electricity and lighting rods. He is a very famous scientist. His name is Benjamin Franklin. In this way Nirankari Babaji want to spread the message. Love all hate none. They said what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Nirankari Rajmataji Says the same thing, Divine knowledge is understanding and for happy life it must be implemented in a proper way. Babaji says Treat everyone with Love, even those who are rude to you; not because they are not nice, but because you are nice.
Saint bless me I can follow the foot print of Satguru babaji.
Saint Say with Love