The woman had three sons and six daughters. Her day was full of chores
to fulfill the numerous demands of her growing troop. She was always
busy with cooking, washing, cleaning, dusting ironing and also
counseling! One day her youngest son fell sick. She called up the
doctor and requested him to drop by and examine him.
As he checked the boy's throat, he asked the lady, "Madam, how many
children do you have?" She hesitated for a moment, then said, "As many
as I can take care of!" The man watched her as she sat beside her five
year old son, who was burning with high fever. She dipped small hand
towels into a basin of water, turn by turn and used them to wipe the
boy's burning brow.
From the doorway, her teenaged daughter, called out, "Mama, where are
my hairpins?" "They're in the brown box on the console, honey." Just
then her other son popped in, "I have to stay back after school for
football today, I need an extra Tiffin, Mom." She smiled and said,
"Yes, darling I remember you have a football match today. I've packed
an extra sandwich in the white box along with your Tiffin. It's lying
on the table, next to your breakfast. Now, run along and let me talk
to the doctor."
The doctor admired the ease with which she was in command of
everything around her. He asked her, "Which one of them is your
She said simply, "The one who needs me most." "Which one?" he asked in
She said, "The one who is sick; the one who is sad; the one who is
lonely.... the one who needs me most ... That is my favourite child!"
Similarly in life only a lovable person can feel your silent pain and
will hold your hand till you become strong again. Don’t leave your
lovable one who feels your pain ….that is SATGURU.
Rev saint Manju Ji
ref : Divine Souls Group.