The proceedings of the Special programme to celebrate the 56th Birthday of His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, will be telecast live on the Sant Nirankari Missions Website. The broadcast will begin at 7:00pm (IST), 1.30pm (GMT), 6.30am (Central American Time) on the 23rd February, 2010. All are welcome to enjoy the same and feel blessed.
The Guru Puja Diwas programme to be held on the 21st February, 2010 which consists of Sewa Dal Rally and blessings of His Holiness, will be made available in Samagam Section.
We will, however, upload the Delhi Guru Puja Diwas Programme over Internet on February 24 as early as possible.
-Kirpa Sagar, Member Incharge Computer and Internet